Moving Circularity Forward

for livestock

The world of feed
Moving Circularity Forward

for Petfood

The world of petfood
Moving Circularity Forward

for Insects

The world of insects
Moving Circularity Forward

for Renewables

The world of renewables

for livestock

With our co-products for the pig, beef-, and dairy farming, you can strike a healthy balance for your business. Read more about how to achieve greater financial returns, reduce your carbon footprint, make your animals healthier and stronger and contribute to a 100% circular world.

for Petfood

Our dogs, cats and other pets deserve nothing but the best. That is why we supply organic co-products to the pet food industry. Read more about our co-products that are as nutritious as they are delicious.

for Insects

In the future, insects will become our main source of protein. Did you know that the protein from mealworms can be used for aquaculture, feed, pet food and as food for humans? Read more about the co-products that are suitable for insect farming.

for Renewables

Green energy, bio-fermentation, soil improvement and water purification: our co-products make a sustainable contribution to the energy sector as well. Read more about how we use innovative methods to add value to our Renewables co-products and keep the loop closed.

Tasty brewer's grains

Are you looking for a high-quality source of nutrition for your cattle? 

Discover the value of brewer's grains, the tasty co-product from the craft brewery! Brewer's grains offer:

  • Easily digestible protein;
  • An energy source for your cattle;
  • Fibrous structure for healthy digestion.

Give your cows the quality they deserve and improve your farm's performance in a sustainable way.

View the matrix


Our Mission.

If we fail to act right now, we will miss our only chance to turn the tide of climate change. That is why we have a mission: to bring about a 100% circular world where waste no longer exists.

We intend to accomplish this mission through the inspirational efforts of our employees, by building on our organisation's rich history and by realising true change.


Read more about our vision, our journey, our people and our impact.


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Moving Circularity Forward

Search & find your co-products here.

Co-product or a link that closes the cycle? How about both! Looop's co-products make a positive contribution to a 100% circular world.


All our co-products come from food and fermentation plants and are a suitable alternative to resources for animal feed, pet food, energy and bio-based products.

You can easily find the co-product you are looking for: enter the name in the search bar and click on the result to download a matrix with more information about the product.