for livestock
for livestock

for Petfood
for Petfood

for Insects
for Insects

for Renewables
for Renewables

for livestock
for livestock
With our co-products for the pig, beef-, and dairy farming, you can strike a healthy balance for your business. Read more about how to achieve greater financial returns, reduce your carbon footprint, make your animals healthier and stronger and contribute to a 100% circular world.
for Petfood
for Petfood
Our dogs, cats and other pets deserve nothing but the best. That is why we supply organic co-products to the pet food industry. Read more about our co-products that are as nutritious as they are delicious.
for Insects
for Insects
for Renewables
for Renewables
Green energy, bio-fermentation, soil improvement and water purification: our co-products make a sustainable contribution to the energy sector as well. Read more about how we use innovative methods to add value to our Renewables co-products and keep the loop closed.