Parlevinkerweg 8
5928 NV Venlo
Do you want to improve your organisation? Are you also experiencing a lack of quality time? Then come to the symposium on organisational improvements in pig farming.
In this symposium at our location, various professionals from Looop, Porc Business and Farmwise will take you through how you can improve your organisation in pig farming.
13:30 walk in
- Presentation and guided tour | Looop
- Presentation FarmWise | Erik van der Hijden
- Presentation Porc Business | Rainier van Gelderen
17:00 Drinks (including snack/drink)
Interested? Register here via the Learning Square:
You know what else is a renewable resource? Information! That's why we are eager to share the ideas of tomorrow and the knowledge of today during information gatherings, webinars and much more. Check out our upcoming events here.